duminică, 8 noiembrie 2009

tequila sunrise

perfection. my own measures for my perfect tequila sunrise

Two and a half measures tequila, preferably gold.
Two measures pure orange juice. fresh
One measure Angeli Cherry. for looks and flavor.

repeat process five to ten times to wake up to a perfect tequila sunrise. red eyes, cotton mouth and feeling like you got a good kicking from the police (they're scientists my friend, artists).

other possible side effects:
! - slight nausea during or after drinking
! - waking up next to jabba the hutt
! - waking up next to jabba the hutt in a jailcell
! - finding yourself stricken with blind love
! - waking up with your best clothes turned to shit

enjoy, and remember, there can never be not enough beautiful women, just not enough drink.

For yours is the bitter, beer and the lager
For ever and ever, barmen!

Un comentariu:

  1. Me: What's happening?
    Vane: You had a nightmare and now you're sleeping with your chocolate after we drank vodca.
    Me: Fuck!
